Monday, June 24, 2013

Ahh, the wonderful world of confectionary blunders...

Never did I ever think that I would be frustrated enough by a cupcake - A CUPCAKE, for crying out loud!!! - to swear with such venom that my 6'8" bear of a husband backed out of my studio with a look of abject fear in his eyes. I don't think he was afraid of me, per se, more of the person I'm becoming, and what I might be capable of when my embroidery machine thread keeps breaking. The cupcake in question is a (supposedly) adorable little applique design I bought from a new-to-me, apparently not-very-good digitizer.

Any of my fellow machine embroiderers know what I'm talking about, I have no doubt, and for those of you who aren't in the "know", consider yourselves lucky. In short, a good digitizer makes cute, smartly-arranged digital designs, limits the number of times you have to change thread color, and separates elements so that your (for example) cherry on top,can be a different color than the cupcake's wrapper. A good digitizer will also avoid creating areas of overly dense stitching that like to cause thread breakage, or that turn into "thread nests", etc. A badly digitized design is a nightmare which does the exact opposite, and can result in, oh, I don't know- 2 ruined aprons, for example? Or so I hear. It's not like I personally ruined not one, but two aprons over the span of a 4-hour period; I mean, what kind of idiot would do that and then spend 2 or more additional hours trying (in vain) to rip out all of the stitches so that at least one of these aforementioned aprons could be salvaged in time to be given to my - I mean, "her"- friend Heather's sister for her birthday (which was today - sorry, Heidi!)?

Nonetheless and notwithstanding, tomorrow is another day; and on an unrelated note, guess who gets to go apron shopping with three kids in tow?!

*pictures to follow... Good and bad*

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Starting a blog... Who isn't these days?

Well, kids... in spite of the fact that there are approximately fifty bazillion crafting/quilting/mother-who-loves-her-kids-while-simultaneously-feeling-like-her-head-is-going-to-explode-if-she-can't-get-this-whole-parenting-thing-down blogs out there, I figured it was probably abut time I jumped on the blogging bandwagon!

I also thought it might be nice to have a central repository for photos of embroidery and quilting projects I've done, would like do, or have no intention of ever doing because they're too freaking awesome for the likes of me to accomplish in this lifetime, just so I can have something to aspire to. I may also subject you to the occasional musing or two on the merits/downsides of so-small-it's-practically-nonexistent business ownership, in the hope that I can provide a good laugh/sage advice to anyone else out there who is thinking about putting themselves in the same position.